↳ Seeing media opps where no media’s been seen before. Most of the Brazilian health NGOs that are part of the Atados hub can’t afford media space for their charities. To get support for their good works, they needed a good dose of invention. JWT São Paulo noticed that one in six videos uploaded to YouTube has useless black bars on either side, usually because it’s shot the ditzy way, with a cellphone held upright instead of horizontally. Instead of a waste of space – what most of us would see – JWT saw opportunity. They saw free digital billboards. JWT created a website through which users could upload their vertical video, choose an NGO, and upload the package to YouTube carrying the NGO’s message on the side-panels. “Donate the Bars” was born. With fifty-plus global NGOs in the project, the impact was immediate: 615,000 hours donated, over 12 million impressions, $1.2 million dollars in earned media.
One of the 10 most awarded global campaigns in 2016 according to The Drum.
"One of the 10 most awarded campaigns in the world in 2016"
The Drum
"JWT Turns the Black Bars on Vertical YouTube Videos Into Ad Space for Nonprofits"
"JWT Brazil Donates YouTube's 'Black Bars' as Free NGO Ad Space"
Little Black Book
"SXSW chock full of good doing! The SXSW Social good report #sxgood"
LinkedIn News
"J. Walter Thompson Turns Millions of YouTube’s Black Bars into Ad Space for Charities"
"당신의 유투브 세로 영상(Vertical YouTube Video)에 생긴 '검정막대/블랙바(Black Bars)'를 비영리 시민사회단체(NGO)를 위한 광고 영역으로 기부하세요! JWT의 '검정막대 기부(Black Bars Donation) 프로젝트' .."
Cannes 2016 (5 lions, 8 shortlists)
Silver - Cyber
Silver - Mobile
Bronze - Cyber
Bronze - Mobile
Bronze - Direct
Shortlist - Titanium
Shortlist - Cyber
Shortlist - Cyber
Shortlist - Mobile
Shortlist - Promo and Activation
Shortlist - Direct
Shortlist - Health & Wellness
Shortlist - Health & Wellness
One Show 2017
Bronze | Film
Bronze | Social Media
Bronze | Direct Marketing
Merit | Mobile
Merit | Mobile
Merit | Social Media
Merit | Direct Marketing
D&AD 2017
Wood Pencil | Media
Wood Pencil | Digital Marketing
CLIO Awards 2016
Bronze | Social Media
LIA 2016
Bronze | Non-Traditional
Lovely Mobile Awards 2017
Social Loveliness - Winner
4th most awarded project in all categories
Wave Festival 2017
Gold | Cyber
Gold | Promo
Gold | Mobile
Shortlist | Green Wave
Shortlist | Cyber
Shortlist | Cyber
Shortlist | Cyber
Shortlist | Direct
Shortlist | Mobile
El Ojo 2016
Gran Ojo | Media
Oro | El Ojo Innovación | Tecnología
Oro | Mobile | Sitios de Bien Público
Oro | Interactivo | Sitios de Bien Público
Oro | Directo | Acciones en Redes Sociales
Oro | Media | Plataformas Digitales
Oro | Media | Acciones en Redes Sociales
Oro | Media | Medios Alternativos
Plata | Mejor Idea Latina para el Mundo
Plata | El Tercer Ojo
Plata | Interactivo | Interactive tools
Bronce | Interactivo | Acciones en redes sociales
Bronce | PR | Bien Público
Bronce | PR | Acciones Digitales y Redes Sociales
Finalista | Mejor Idea Local
Finalista | Promo | Plataformas digitales
Global Smarties 2016
Gold | Marketing Strategy
Silver | Enabling Technologies
Shortlist | Channel/Media Strategy
Shortlist | Enabling Technologies
El Sol 2016
Sol de Plata | Medios
Sol de Plata | Marketing Promocional
Shortlist | Medios
Shortlist | Relaciones Publicas
Shortlist | Relaciones Publicas